Here I am going to collect useful websites and links and stuff that I find valuable and useful for my carnivore lifestyle. I am going to update this page from time to time.
it has links to everything about meat and carnivore. This website itsel contains many great links.
kind of a blog. I found many inspiring stories there.
King of the carnivore diet websites, of course, it is Mikhaila`s site. I am, myself, doing actually lion diet, which is way more strict than carnivore. I happened to know this diet through her and her father. I am so much grateful of her doing all the research and trials.
it is a nice summary but when stumbled upon this site I had already figured out everything so i didnt need those directions much it could be useful for some newbies.
Now youtube videos
5. The very first person I happened to know this way of eating from is the Jordan Paterson. I know him through his youtube lectures, such an intellectual, intelligent, just a magnificent human being. What I dont understand is he has started this diet in 2018, and I found this videos in 2022 and I listen to his lectures videos roughly for ten years, and why didnt youtube didnt suggest me this joe rogan podcast videos earlier? Anyway it is better late than never. I am still grateful for Joe Rogan and Jordan Paterson.
I had watched the Joe Rogan full interview with him, but now full podcast is not on youtube. I looked around on spotify but couldnt find it on Spotify either.
6. Mikhaila`s story here.
7. and here
8. Here is a video of Natasha Campbell, interviewed by one the longest carnivore people Kelly Hogan. Dr Campbell is the one who came up with GAPS diet which I tried to follow many years ago but couldnt continue. She might be one of the earliest carnivore advocating doctors. I like this video because she sums up this concept very well. It must be a must watch video for beginners.
There are many more great carnivore videos and doctors. I am just going to list the people and doctors that I listen to from time to time.
9. First MD Anthony Chaffee. I like his videos very informative.
10. Of course Dr Shawn Baker. He must be most active in the internet world.
11. Another Shawn Baker channel
12. Bella’s channel. Even though she is not a medical doctor I learned a lot from her in terms of implementing the lifestyle. and so much great tips. I learned to eat butter like I would eat cheese.
13. Paul Saladino. Some people criticize him for including honey and fruit but still he might be right in some sense and very active online and motivate many people and spread valuable information.
14. Amber must be the most early and famous carnivore in the community. I learned most of my initial knowledge from her videos.
15. Georgia Ede and Diet Doctor channel. She is just great. I learned a lot from her.
16 Sally Norton. I learned about oxalates and that most of my problems comes from oxalates through Sally Norton videos.
17. Lets not forget about the London Real interview with Shawn Baker
There are some books.