Get the most benefit

1 min readJan 6, 2023

What is the state of my life right now?

What is in front of me?

Not “I wish it was like this or that”.

Right now what does my life consist of?

Make the best use of it!

whatever it is.

I may not like “it” but I will make the most out of it.

If there is no simple way to change my situation,

then just accept it,

and make the best use of it.

If I don’t like my apartment and can't move out, then I will enjoy it as much as I can, and find ways to get the most out of it.

If I am not happy about something in my workplace, I will think of ways to cherish what I have, and get the most benefit of “this place”.

I will think of ways to get the most benefit from that situation until a new door opens.

Initially, I may not see the good sides of it and enjoy that “thing”, but if I focus on getting benefits out of it, enjoyment may follow.

Do not focus on “I made a mistake; others can — I can’t; I am stuck with this”. When these thoughts flood my heart, I will switch it to “how can I turn this into a benefit”.

Focus on getting the most out of “thing”.

